Cargo Cult in Software Development
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Avoid "Cargo Cult" in Software Development by understanding practices, seeking mentorship, critically evaluating methods, and using AI tools
Klemens Morbe
Apr 23, 20223 min read
Java Popularity Index
Every time one wants to start a new project, usually the requirements for solving the problem have to be faced. Which server should i...
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Klemens Morbe
Mar 13, 20222 min read
Java Full Stack Technologies
There are a lot of ways to build a nice web application with a frontend, backend, and a database. The technology stack can have a huge...
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Klemens Morbe
Feb 26, 20222 min read
Java Programming Language Fun Facts
If you are german, you might know the book Java ist auch eine Insel or in english Java is also an island. It is a book for learning Java....
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Klemens Morbe
Feb 4, 20222 min read
Java Is One Of The Most Efficient Programming Languages
Nowadays, more and more people get in touch with programming in their spare time. Also, companies are seeking software engineers, so the...
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Klemens Morbe
Aug 29, 20211 min read
brace yourselves java 17 is coming (6/6)
hands on: java 17 in the last few episodes we've learned a lot about new features in java. all these features will finalized and released...
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Klemens Morbe
Aug 27, 20212 min read
brace yourselves java 17 is coming (5/6)
hands on: java 16 we learned a lot of features in the latest episodes. in java 16 there aren't any new features for programmers. that's...
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Klemens Morbe
Jun 10, 20212 min read
brace yourselves java 17 is coming (4/6)
hands on: java 15 last time, we talked about the java 14 and null pointer exception messages and records. in java 15, there is an...
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Klemens Morbe
Jun 6, 20213 min read
brace yourselves java 17 is coming (3/6)
hands on: java 14 in the last episode, we got in touch with java 13 and text blocks. in java 14, there are two really interesting and...
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Klemens Morbe
May 24, 20212 min read
brace yourselves java 17 is coming (2/6)
hands on: java 13 we learned a lot about the java 12 features in the former post. in this article, we will have a closer look at java 13....
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Klemens Morbe
May 16, 20213 min read
brace yourselves java 17 is coming (1/6)
hands on: java 12 like a lot of you already know, java 17 is about the corner. since java 9 oracle releases a non-lts (long term support)...
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Klemens Morbe
May 13, 20212 min read
different styles when coding #6
every developer comes into contact with conditions very quickly. there is no way one can write an application without a single check if...
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Klemens Morbe
Apr 2, 20212 min read
different styles when coding #5
when it comes to reading in some file stored on disk, there are plenty of different approaches reading the content in. i tried to cover...
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Klemens Morbe
Mar 14, 20212 min read
different styles when coding #4
at the release of java 8 by oracle, the new lambda expressions were included. that feature was something so new, that i didn't dare to...
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Klemens Morbe
Feb 10, 20211 min read
different styles when coding #3
it wasn't that long ago that i tried to convince others in using optionals over nulls or empty strings. today i can say that i am more...
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Klemens Morbe
Jan 18, 20211 min read
different styles when coding #2
with every new release of the java jdk, new syntax sugar, paradigms and many other features are being supplied. java 7 introduced diamond...
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Klemens Morbe
Sep 30, 20205 min read
useful testing patterns
you finished your last tasks and want to complete the story. the build pipeline is green, you deployed the application to a test...
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Klemens Morbe
Jul 16, 20205 min read
Writing an Azure Function using Azure Storage, Azure DevOps and Java
In this tutorial we want create a REST service without hosting or configuring any classic server in a fully automated environment with...
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Klemens Morbe
May 27, 20204 min read
Create a Discord Bot to clear chat history
Since I feel comfortable writing bots for discord, I thought I could give it another try but with a different scenario. Sometimes a chat...
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Klemens Morbe
May 6, 20204 min read
Creating a Bot for your Discord Server
Introduction Lately I got more and more in touch with discord. I stopped hosting my own teamspeak 3 server and migrated everything to a...
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