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Klemens Morbe
4 days ago3 min read
Refactoring: Why It’s More Than Just “Cleaning Up Code”
Refactoring—the word alone evokes mixed feelings among many developers. Perhaps it makes you think of effort, time that doesn’t directly...
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Klemens Morbe
Jan 203 min read
The Sunk Cost Fallacy: Why Sometimes It’s Better to Throw Away Code
Do you know the feeling of working on a piece of code that you know, deep down, isn’t good? Yet, because you or someone else has already...
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Klemens Morbe
May 21, 20246 min read
Cargo Cult in Software Development
Avoid "Cargo Cult" in Software Development by understanding practices, seeking mentorship, critically evaluating methods, and using AI tools
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Klemens Morbe
Apr 2, 20212 min read
different styles when coding #5
when it comes to reading in some file stored on disk, there are plenty of different approaches reading the content in. i tried to cover...
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Klemens Morbe
Mar 14, 20212 min read
different styles when coding #4
at the release of java 8 by oracle, the new lambda expressions were included. that feature was something so new, that i didn't dare to...
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Klemens Morbe
Feb 10, 20211 min read
different styles when coding #3
it wasn't that long ago that i tried to convince others in using optionals over nulls or empty strings. today i can say that i am more...
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Klemens Morbe
Jan 18, 20211 min read
different styles when coding #2
with every new release of the java jdk, new syntax sugar, paradigms and many other features are being supplied. java 7 introduced diamond...
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Klemens Morbe
Jan 12, 20211 min read
different styles when coding #1
every person has its own taste in music, fashion or cars. developers can also have different taste in programming languages, operating...
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